Leash Training for Puppies: Introducing the Leash and Teaching Proper Leash Manners

Leash Training for Puppies: Introducing the Leash and Teaching Proper Leash Manners

One of the most important aspects of raising a well-behaved puppy is leash training. A puppy who knows how to walk calmly on a leash is a joy to take on adventures, whether it's a short walk around the block or a longer hike in the great outdoors. In this post, we'll guide you through the process of introducing the leash to your puppy and teaching them proper leash manners.

Introducing the Leash

Start by letting your puppy get used to wearing a collar or harness. Let them wear it around the house for short periods, offering plenty of praise and treats to create a positive association. Once your puppy is comfortable with the collar or harness, it's time to introduce the leash:

  1. Allow your puppy to sniff and investigate the leash before attaching it to their collar or harness.
  2. Attach the leash and let your puppy drag it around the house under supervision, offering praise and treats as they move.
  3. Pick up the end of the leash and encourage your puppy to follow you, using treats and a happy voice to keep them engaged.

Teaching Proper Leash Manners

Once your puppy is comfortable with the leash, it's time to start teaching them how to walk politely:

  1. Start in a low-distraction area, such as your backyard or a quiet room.
  2. Hold a treat in your hand and encourage your puppy to walk beside you, rewarding them for staying close.
  3. If your puppy pulls, stop walking and wait for them to return to your side before continuing.
  4. Use a consistent cue, such as "let's go" or "heel," to signal to your puppy that it's time to walk.
  5. Gradually increase the duration and distance of your walks as your puppy becomes more comfortable and reliable on the leash.

Remember to keep training sessions short and positive, ending on a high note with plenty of praise and rewards. With patience and consistency, your puppy will soon be a leash-walking pro!

Using the "Doggy Time" App

To make leash training even more manageable, consider using the "Doggy Time" app. This handy tool allows you to collaborate with family members on logging your puppy's activities, including leash training sessions. You can track your puppy's progress, set goals, and celebrate milestones together.

The "Doggy Time" app also features smart alarms and scheduling, so you can plan your puppy's daily routine, including regular leash training sessions. By setting reminders and involving the whole family, you'll ensure that your puppy receives consistent training and reinforcement throughout the day.

With the help of the "Doggy Time" app and a commitment to positive, consistent training, you and your puppy will be enjoying stress-free walks together in no time. Happy leash training!